PIC Numbers

What is a PIC number, and how to I get one?

Western Australia has a mandatory livestock ownership, identification and movement system. Livestock, even if kept as pets, includes cattle, sheep, goats, pigs, horses, donkeys, deer, alpaca, llama, camels, buffalo, emus, ostriches and poultry. As a livestock (horse) owner you must register and apply for a PIC number.

You will need a PIC number to be able to enter a WAERA ride of any distance.

For more information refer to the Dept of Primary Industries & Regional Development - Registration forms for livestock ownership in Western Australia.


The application form for a Property identification Code is here: https://www.agric.wa.gov.au/sites/gateway/files/Application%20for%20registration%20as%20an%20owner%20of%20stock_compatible-version.pdf

The fee is currently $76.50 for 3 years (less than a set of shoes!)

If you move your horse to another property you must submit a notification of change of address and details. Updates are free.

Queries can be directed to the Brands Office on 1300 926 547: Email brands.bunbury@dpird.wa.gov.au

Western Australia does not currently require movement documents/waybills for horses but you will NOT be able to enter an endurance ride without a PIC.